Produkt zum Begriff Effective:
Effective Java
The Definitive Guide to Java Platform Best Practices–Updated for Java 7, 8, and 9 Java has changed dramatically since the previous edition of Effective Java was published shortly after the release of Java 6. This Jolt award-winning classic has now been thoroughly updated to take full advantage of the latest language and library features. The support in modern Java for multiple paradigms increases the need for specific best-practices advice, and this book delivers. As in previous editions, each chapter of Effective Java, Third Edition, consists of several “items,” each presented in the form of a short, stand-alone essay that provides specific advice, insight into Java platform subtleties, and updated code examples. The comprehensive descriptions and explanations for each item illuminate what to do, what not to do, and why. The third edition covers language and library features added in Java 7, 8, and 9, including the functional programming constructs that were added to its object-oriented roots. Many new items have been added, including a chapter devoted to lambdas and streams. New coverage includes Functional interfaces, lambda expressions, method references, and streamsDefault and static methods in interfacesType inference, including the diamond operator for generic typesThe @SafeVarargs annotationThe try-with-resources statementNew library features such as the Optional interface, java.time, and the convenience factory methods for collections
Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective JavaScript
“It’s uncommon to have a programming language wonk who can speak in such comfortable and friendly language as David does. His walk through the syntax and semantics of JavaScript is both charming and hugely insightful; reminders of gotchas complement realistic use cases, paced at a comfortable curve. You’ll find when you finish the book that you’ve gained a strong and comprehensive sense of mastery.” —Paul Irish, developer advocate, Google Chrome “This is not a book for those looking for shortcuts; rather it is hard-won experience distilled into a guided tour. It’s one of the few books on JS that I’ll recommend without hesitation.” —Alex Russell, TC39 member, software engineer, Google In order to truly master JavaScript, you need to learn how to work effectively with the language’s flexible, expressive features and how to avoid its pitfalls. No matter how long you’ve been writing JavaScript code, Effective JavaScript will help deepen your understanding of this powerful language, so you can build more predictable, reliable, and maintainable programs. Author David Herman, with his years of experience on Ecma’s JavaScript standardization committee, illuminates the language’s inner workings as never before—helping you take full advantage of JavaScript’s expressiveness. Reflecting the latest versions of the JavaScript standard, the book offers well-proven techniques and best practices you’ll rely on for years to come. Effective JavaScript is organized around 68 proven approaches for writing better JavaScript, backed by concrete examples. You’ll learn how to choose the right programming style for each project, manage unanticipated problems, and work more successfully with every facet of JavaScript programming from data structures to concurrency. Key features include Better ways to use prototype-based object-oriented programming Subtleties and solutions for working with arrays and dictionary objects Precise and practical explanations of JavaScript’s functions and variable scoping semantics Useful JavaScript programming patterns and idioms, such as options objects and method chaining In-depth guidance on using JavaScript’s unique “run-to-completion” approach to concurrency
Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective Software Testing
Effective Software Testing is a hands-on guide to creating high quality tests, from your first line of code through pre-delivery checks. It's full of techniques drawn from proven research in software engineering. You'll learn to efficiently engineer tests specifically for your software and end reliance on generic testing practices that may be right for every project. Each chapter puts a new technique into practice with source code samples, real-world tradeoffs, and answers to the common questions developers pose about testing. You'll learn how to scrutinize your requirements for potential tests, generate tests from your code structure, and engineer rigorous suites of unit, integration, and system tests.Go beyond unit tests! Great software testing makes the entire development process more efficient, from understanding your code before you write it to catching bugs in tricky corner cases.Effective Software Testing teaches you a systematic approach to software testing. You'll master easy-to-apply techniques to create strong test suites that are specifically engineered for your code. Following real-world use cases and detailed code samples, you'll soon be engineering tests that find the bugs hiding in edge cases and the parts of code you would never think of testing! Along the way, you'll develop an intuition for testing that can save years of learning by trial and error.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective Business Networking
Packed full of tried and tested techniques and secrets from some of the UK’s most successful networkers, Effective Business Networking from Brilliant contains useful tools, anecdotes and real life examples of people who have used networking to secure their dream jobs, make career moves, grow their business or even find their life partner, to those who network and connect people professionally for a living. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 10.69 € | Versand*: 0 €
Heinrich Böll oder Günter Grass?
Beide Heinrich Böll und Günter Grass sind bedeutende deutsche Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Böll ist bekannt für seine kritischen und politischen Werke, während Grass für seinen magischen Realismus und seine politische Aktivität bekannt ist. Beide Autoren haben mit ihren Werken einen großen Einfluss auf die deutsche Literatur und Gesellschaft ausgeübt.
Was bedeutet "Grass gestreckt"?
"Grass gestreckt" ist eine umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung für mit anderen Substanzen gestrecktes oder verunreinigtes Marihuana. Dabei wird das Gras mit verschiedenen Zusätzen wie beispielsweise Sand, Glas oder anderen Pflanzenmaterialien gestreckt, um den Gewinn zu erhöhen. Dies kann die Qualität und Wirkung des Marihuanas negativ beeinflussen und gesundheitliche Risiken mit sich bringen.
Wer ist Christina Grass?
'Wer ist Christina Grass?' Christina Grass ist eine bekannte Schauspielerin, die vor allem für ihre Rollen in verschiedenen Film- und Fernsehproduktionen bekannt ist. Sie hat bereits in mehreren erfolgreichen Projekten mitgewirkt und konnte sich dadurch eine große Fangemeinde aufbauen. Ihre schauspielerische Leistung wird von Kritikern und Zuschauern gleichermaßen gelobt. Darüber hinaus engagiert sich Christina Grass auch für verschiedene soziale Projekte und setzt sich für wichtige gesellschaftliche Themen ein. Insgesamt ist sie eine vielseitige und talentierte Persönlichkeit, die in der Unterhaltungsbranche sehr geschätzt wird.
Kommt Gerrit Grass zu K11?
Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe keine Informationen darüber, ob Gerrit Grass zu K11 kommt. Es wäre am besten, sich an die Produzenten oder offiziellen Kanäle von K11 zu wenden, um aktuelle Informationen zu erhalten.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Effective:
Writing Effective Use Cases
Writing use cases as a means of capturing the behavioral requirements of software systems and business processes is a practice that is quickly gaining popularity. Use cases provide a beneficial means of project planning because they clearly show how people will ultimately use the system being designed. On the surface, use cases appear to be a straightforward and simple concept. Faced with the task of writing a set of use cases, however, practitioners must ask: "How exactly am I supposed to write use cases?" Because use cases are essentially prose essays, this question is not easily answered, and as a result, the task can become formidable. In Writing Effective Use Cases, object technology expert Alistair Cockburn presents an up-to-date, practical guide to use case writing. The author borrows from his extensive experience in this realm, and expands on the classic treatments of use cases to provide software developers with a "nuts-and-bolts" tutorial for writing use cases. The book thoroughly covers introductory, intermediate, and advanced concepts, and is, therefore, appropriate for all knowledge levels. Illustrative writing examples of both good and bad use cases reinforce the author's instructions. In addition, the book contains helpful learning exercises--with answers--to illuminate the most important points. Highlights of the book include: A thorough discussion of the key elements of use cases--actors, stakeholders, design scope, scenarios, and more A use case style guide with action steps and suggested formats An extensive list of time-saving use case writing tips A helpful presentation of use case templates, with commentary on when and where they should be employed A proven methodology for taking advantage of use cases With this book as your guide, you will learn the essential elements of use case writing, improve your use case writing skills, and be well on your way to employing use cases effectively for your next development project.
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective Python (Slatkin, Brett)
Effective Python , Effective Python aims to provide the reader with an understanding of the "Pythonic” way of writing programs: the best way to use Python. New programmers will learn the best practices of Python's features. Experienced programmers will learn how to embrace the strangeness of a new tool with confidence. Like other Effective books, this book will be organized in a series of short items. Each chapter will cover a broad but related set of subjects. Each item will provide clear and concise guidance to the reader about how they can write Python programs more effectively. Each item will provide advice on what to do, what to avoid, how to strike the right balance, and why this is the best choice. Effective Python will prepare growing programmers to make a big impact using Python. , > , Auflage: 2. Auflage, Erscheinungsjahr: 20191115, Produktform: Kartoniert, Titel der Reihe: Effective Software Development##, Autoren: Slatkin, Brett, Auflage: 20002, Auflage/Ausgabe: 2. Auflage, Themenüberschrift: COMPUTERS / Programming Languages / Python, Fachschema: Internet / Programmierung~Programmiersprachen, Fachkategorie: Programmier- und Skriptsprachen, allgemein, Imprint-Titels: Effective Software Development, Warengruppe: HC/Programmiersprachen, Fachkategorie: Webprogrammierung, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: eng, Seitenanzahl: XXII, Seitenanzahl: 444, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Pearson Education, Verlag: Pearson Education, Verlag: Pearson Education Limited, Länge: 231, Breite: 179, Höhe: 25, Gewicht: 716, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA (US), Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0040, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,
Preis: 50.76 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Business Express: Effective mentoring
If you need to be in the know in no time at all, Business Express will get you from beginner to brilliant in the blink of an eye. This fast, focused and carefully crafted eBook will help you pick up all the essential knowledge you need to know about mentoring, all in the shortest possible time. Learn just when you need to or well in advance; read it at your desk or on the move; dip in and out or start from scratch - it’s all up to you. But however you use it, you’ll quickly feel more confident, competent and better equipped to make things happen and keep moving ahead. - Save time – it’s quick and easy to read- Get smart – just the essential knowledge you need- Feel good – watch your confidence grow Business Express – know how in no time! It'll only take about 30 minutes for you to get up to speed on one of these other great Business Express subjects too. Seach by title, download your copies and start knowing more in no time: Managing Your Time Productively Developing Your Influencing SkillsDelegating Effectively Managing Upwards SuccessfullyPersuasive CommunicationLeading Your Team Through ChangeMaking Effective DecisionsManaging Performance and AppraisalsManaging Difficult Situations and Discussions Negotiating With ConfidenceWriting Compelling Reports and ProposalsPresenting With ConfidenceHow to be AssertiveEffective MentoringCoaching Effectively Managing Productive MeetingsMotivating Your TeamEmbracing Diversity Within Your TeamEffective Problem SolvingInterviewing With Confidence
Preis: 5.34 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective Data Science Infrastructure
Effective Data Science Infrastructure is a hands-on guide to assembling infrastructure for data science and machine learning applications. It reveals the processes used at Netflix and other data driven companies to manage their cutting edge data infrastructure.As you work through this easy-to-follow guide, you'll set up end-to end infrastructure from the ground up, with a fully customizable process you can easily adapt to your company. You'll learn how you can make data scientists more productive with your existing cloud infrastructure, a stack of open source software, and idiomatic Python. Throughout, you'll follow a human-centric approach focused on user experience and meeting the unique needs of data scientists.About the TechnologyTurning data science projects from small prototypes to sustainable business processes requires scalable and reliable infrastructure. This book lays out the workflows, components, and methods of the full infrastructure stack for data science, from data warehousing and scalable compute to modeling frameworks.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Heinrich Böll oder Günter Grass?
Beide Heinrich Böll und Günter Grass sind bedeutende deutsche Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Böll ist bekannt für seine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der deutschen Nachkriegsgesellschaft, während Grass für seine politisch-engagierte Literatur und seinen magischen Realismus berühmt ist. Beide Autoren haben mit ihren Werken einen wichtigen Beitrag zur deutschen Literatur geleistet.
Was war Günter Grass' politische Einstellung?
Günter Grass war ein politisch engagierter Schriftsteller und hatte eine linke politische Einstellung. Er war Mitglied der SPD und setzte sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Frieden und Umweltschutz ein. Grass war auch ein Kritiker der deutschen Wiedervereinigung und der deutschen Außenpolitik.
Warum höre ich immer "Green Green Grass"?
Es ist möglich, dass du "Green Green Grass" immer wieder hörst, weil es ein beliebter Song ist, der häufig im Radio oder in Playlists gespielt wird. Es könnte auch sein, dass du persönlich eine Vorliebe für diesen Song hast und ihn daher bewusst oder unbewusst häufig auswählst. Es könnte auch Zufall sein und du hast einfach Glück oder Pech, dass du den Song oft hörst.
Wie ist der Schreibstil von Günter Grass?
Der Schreibstil von Günter Grass ist geprägt von einer starken sprachlichen Vielfalt und einem ausgeprägten Sinn für Rhythmus und Klang. Er verwendet oft lange, verschachtelte Sätze und spielt mit verschiedenen Stilmitteln wie Ironie, Satire und Symbolik. Grass' Schreibstil ist poetisch und gleichzeitig auch politisch engagiert.
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